Light Through Darkness…

At first glance, the landscape seemed to offer little in the way of premium Fall New England colors. With a little time and upon further examination, brighter spots in between the deep, dark green became illumined. With the help of the rising sun, as it began to reach over the tops of the trees across the opposite side of the park, red, orange, and yellow, once dull and hidden, could now be seen.

It is interesting, what natural, or true and pure light can do. No matter how bleak or gloomy a situation may seem, under the light of Truth, there is hope… and, where there is hope there is certainly faith and love. These together provide strength for the journey, comfort in moments of heartache and heartbreak, and peace to be open to the wisdom and guidance patiently waiting on the other side of unrest.

In the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians, it is written, “Shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life” (Philippians 2:15d, 16a). St. Paul wrote this advice to the people of Philippi, the first Christian community in Europe that he had helped to form. Not only that, but he wrote it while imprisoned, essentially for doing the very thing he is asking the Philippians to do; the very thing we are asked to do. Despite circumstances, through the grace of God, and throughout the ages, we are all called to shine like a light, both bright and true, and with a heart and mind focused… not only fixed on God, but also fixed on placing the desire to do God’s will above all else. When we do this, we shine through the darkness that tries to quell and quiet us. When we do this, we break free.
