By the Light…

The sky was beautiful and peaceful. It was a pleasant sight at the end of a long day. At a time when one might expect the darkness of night to overtake the day, the moon was big and bright, casting light upon the clouds as they moved across the sky.

Sometimes it can be easy to forget how beautiful the night time can be. Among the vast darkness, there is quiet to be found, and, on a crisp, cool, clear night, there is also natural light from high above. One needs only to pause, and then look up and around to experience awe, inspiration, hope, peace, reassurance, or whatever grace may be most needed at that moment.

There is much that can happen throughout life that may seek to cast a shadow over us, to cause one’s head to drop and heart to sink, or one’s gaze to move downward toward the ground. There is so much that can seek to close our hearts to the goodness that awaits us despite the circumstances or predicaments that may exist around or within us.

Then there is the sky… calling us to remember that we are not alone… that nothing is too heavy… there is Light to be experienced by both the day and the night.
