Peace and Good Will to All…

This year, a winter holiday gift that seems to be highly advertised is an ancestry kit. These kits promise to provide test results from one’s saliva. The information that is sent back about a month after submitting a sample shows, among other genetic data, from where in the world one’s DNA is. In other words, it verifies from where you come and the ethnic populations to whom you are related.      

Having some understanding of where you come from and who you are is important. To think that things that are so very small, molecules, and the manner in which they are bound together, can determine so much, both in the present and into the future, can be rather fascinating. Not just from a hereditary standpoint, but also from a spiritual one.

Even more amazing than the data one can obtain from DNA, is the Author… the One who created all that binds us together; all from the physical traits to the capacity to think, feel, learn, grow, love, and much more. Of all that occurs in the world, how much greater is the One who throughout the ages and through many people using diverse means, orchestrates Salvation for all!

While we may not all share the same backgrounds, whether genetic, cultural or religious, and we may not all share the same beliefs, we are still all connected… all made of mind, body and soul. The more we can remember this, and the more we choose to live in a manner that celebrates our common bond, the more our better qualities shine.

From my heart to yours, peace and good will to ALL.  
