Draped in Green…

Surveying the area, an array of green could be seen across the land and against the backdrop of blue provided by the sky. It can seem so easy, almost effortless, to appreciate and recognize that which is pleasing or good to the eye. That which is good for the soul, though, can sometimes be elusive or require more time, patience, and insight.

In the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel according to John, in verse 17, Jesus says, “Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth.” These sentiments are part of a prayer to God prior to Jesus’ arrest, trial and crucifixion. Jesus knows the ugliness that lies ahead for himself and the disciples, both those in front of him and those to come. However, he also knows it is temporary and that the sacred beauty that exists within all creation, the seeds that have been planted, and the fruit that will be born is eternal.

Imagine Jesus’ prayer as an ongoing prayer for the well-being of humanity. “Consecrate them in the truth. Your word is truth.”

God’s word is truth. It is found in Scripture, discovered through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, and revealed by the Holy Spirit, prompting, sometimes prodding, and often quietly guiding us to truth, both the kind that is pleasant, and the kind that is not.

So whether draped in green, saddled in mud, or somewhere in between, Truth will always find you, and gently bring you home.
