
Just a few months ago it would have been hard to imagine such a pattern or striking array of color replacing the multitude of green leaves that seemed to be all around. And while the scene seemed so rich back then, it seems even more so now. Though the leaves will be falling soon, with the addition of greater diversity, they paint a splendid picture that brings a sense of joy along with hope and promise.

It is amazing how it can be so easy to appreciate the contrast, depth, and value provided by the many differences found in and among nature. That same beauty exists in a wide array through the variety found in humanity, yet oftentimes it is not seen as such. Whether it be difference in appearance, opinion, or fact, there is always a pearl to be discovered, something of great value to be learned.

Sometimes we can work together and other times we need to work apart, going in different directions. What we end up becoming or what we feel moved to do may look very different. When it is all said and done though, like the leaves on the trees, our uniqueness brought together creates the picture that is priceless, but only when we remain rooted in the Source.

Love the LORD, your God,
with all your heart,
and with all your soul,
and with all your strength. – Deuteronomy 6:5
