What Night Reveals…

Heading steadily toward the longest night (or the shortest day) in the Northern Hemisphere, I am struck by the way this time of year brings with it not only a greater period of darkness in the sky, but also greater opportunities to see and experience things that might otherwise seem minuscule or entirely escape our attention.  Every year when the light of day starts to take its leave at times earlier and earlier in the day, and we move closer toward the Winter Solstice, there is a period of adjustment, and perhaps, even a decrease in the amount of time spent venturing out and operating at “day time” speed.

When day light and the business that accompanies it begin to fade away, it can seem like time is running out. In the midst of the challenges that may come with that, the darkness also tends to bring with it the perfect backdrop. It can seem like there is less time to accomplish the things we need to do. However, these days of darkness can actually help to create more time for things of greater importance… for that which is truly beneficial to us, and the world around us.

“If a man wishes to be sure of the road he’s traveling on, then he must close his eyes and travel in the dark.” – St. John of the Cross

Night and darkness, in a sense, slow time down, providing space and calling us into the quiet. Deep within this space, there awaits a gift to be seen or sensed.  Grace waits to show us the way. It is of no coincidence that it seems the stars shine their brightest during the shortest days of the year.  Gently, they remind us, that even in the darkest hours, “The Lord will be your light forever” (Isaiah 60).
